0xDEAFBEEF: Limited Edition Vinyl

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433 orders have shipped.
There are 9 orders remaining in queue.
Order ID Network Boost Amount*
*Marginal amount paid ON TOP of min purchase price.
Address Shipping Info Received *Buyers must login via signature to provide shipping address.
1. 351 Ethereum 0.06 ETH 0xec2b0D324cb0D946aeF101F0Bc59036dD5ce31e7
2. 347 Ethereum 0.05 ETH 0xeE4018b8Dc252c5e52e3C2C659C148Bd56B4628a
3. 348 Ethereum 0.05 ETH 0xeE4018b8Dc252c5e52e3C2C659C148Bd56B4628a
4. 350 Ethereum 0.025 ETH 0x67D21ebD269d61Ef8cD9F0f3698869b3d818a4B5
5. 344 Ethereum 0.02 ETH 0xb09A022D4114696324A54a80e6a62A24f8E38599 MISSING SHIPPING INFO
6. 345 Ethereum 0 0x4cb72456e82aeDd8b1ef0F08D03Cc6bFf96c6291 MISSING SHIPPING INFO
7. 346 Ethereum 0 0x3D261bC576fD6A18f3a5719144f08b21190CCc02
8. 349 Ethereum 0 0x1105408dcCDdBb7cE5d509A5516d4A9A0B6BaaEb
9. 20049 Polygon 0 0x3ba3245300D0A4f0deB84073572a97FF09659f83

Shipped Orders

Redacted on Nov 28 2022.